What does "Report By" mean?

By default, your selected date range is applied based on the date your guest responded. However, you are able to change this to base reports on your guest’s check-out or check-in date.


Note: For this to apply to your account, accurate check-in and check-out dates will need to be sent to GuestRevu through a property management system or other integration, or included in your Manual uploads or Any-Time Survey. You can see how to check this at the end of the article.

Why is this helpful? 

This can help you determine the impact different situations can have on guests’ reviews and scores during those guests’ stays during a specific time frame. 

This article applies to:

  • LITE
  • CORE
  • PRO

For example, you started a small renovation in your lobby on the 1st of February and completed it on the 28th of February. You now want to see how this impacted the guest experience for visitors who  checked out during that time frame specifically.

  1. Check or Set your Date Range 
  2. Click Report by 
  3. Select Check-Out Date

The reports will automatically refresh to show only guests that checked out during your date range. 

Note: The number of reviews in the GRR, Feedback Review Rating and Online Review Rating sections will most likely change. 

Now you can examine your reports to get the insights on those specific guests. For cases such as the renovation example, you might also want to set Milestone Markers and then track the impact on guest experience via the Trend Report

Not sure if the data changed or if the check-out date is included? 

This can be confirmed by looking for the Check-Out date on a guest profile. Go to the Reviews tab, select a Survey review and check the guests details as shown below:

Top Tip 

Slicing and dicing the data even further can be very insightful, see what impacts the guests and their scores and what can be improved. Experiment with Advanced Filters to get the right insights to make the right operational decisions!