Management Response Report

Easily check how many of your reviews have been responded to, as divided by property or by review source.

Your Management Response Report gives you an overview of how many online reviews of each of your group properties have been responded to by your staff, or at an individual property level, which review sources have the most or fewest management responses. From this report, you can easily see which properties are responding to reviews and which are not, or which platforms are being neglected.

This article applies to:

  • PRO

Management Response Overview  Report for Account Groups

How to find your Management Response Report

  1. Log in to your GuestRevu Account
  2. Click on the “Account Groups” tab in the left-hand menu
  3. Now you can see a list of groups associated with your name. You can either click on an existing group or create a new group. (Click here to learn how to create a new group)
Once inside a group, click on Reports in the main menu on the left, then click on Management Response > Overview

Understanding your Account Group Management Response Overview Report

To start off with, at the top of your management response report you will be shown a couple of key figures and percentages:

Reviews: This shows the total number of reviews your group of properties has received that match your date range and filters.

Repliable: Out of the number of reviews, how many can be responded to. Some sources do not allow management responses and this aims to show you the true number of how many can be responded to.

Management Response: This shows the total number of management responses your group of properties has published on review platforms in response to reviews posted in the chosen time period.

Response rate: Your response rate is based on “Repliable” reviews and how many of those had management responses.

Below this, the “Management Response” table will show you the number of responses per online channel for each hotel. This data is also displayed in a chart to make it easier to read and understand. 

Below this, the Response Rate table will show you the response rate (percent of “repliable” reviews that were responded to) for each property and online channel. 

Finally, there is a bar chart showing each property’s overall response rate for all sources.

Management Response Overview Report for individual accounts

If you are a single hotel, or would like to look at an individual account in your group, you can also see a Management Report report for that account:

  1. Log in to your GuestRevu Account
  2. If you have access to more than one account, click on the name of the account for which you would like to view the Management Response Report
  3. Click on Reports in the main left-hand menu, then click Management Response > Overview

Understanding your Individual Account Management Response Overview Report

The top of this page is very similar to the group report, with a couple of figures and percentages.

Reviews: This shows the total number of reviews your property has received.

Repliable: Out of the number of reviews, how many can be responded to. Some sources do not allow management responses and this aims to show you the true number of how many can be responded to.

Management Response: This shows the total number of management responses your property has published on review platforms in response to reviews posted in the chosen time period.

Response rate: Your response rate is based on “Repliable” reviews and how many of those had management responses.

Next, you will see a table summarising your number of reviews, management responses and response rate per online channel. And, below this, a graph visualising this information.

Viewing individual management responses

To see all the reviews and their respective management responses:

  1. Go to your GuestRevu account or account group
  2. In the main menu on the left, click reports > Management Response > Management Responses
    If you're already viewing your Management Responses Overview, just click the Management responses tab at the top of the report.
  3. Here, you can read all your management responses, along with a summary of the guest information and review scores. To see the review, 

To see the review click Show more…

When in an account group, you will also be shown which property the review was for.