Prevent a guest from receiving further GuestRevu emails (unsubscribing a guest)

The more feedback the better, but you should never send guests emails they don’t want. In this article, we will show you how to manually unsubscribe a guest from receiving any further requests for feedback. 

This article relates to:

  • CORE
  • PRO
  1. Log in to your GuestRevu account at
  2. Select your individual or group account
  3. Click on Guests > Unsubscribe. This will take you to your unsubscribe list.
  4. To add an email to the unsubscribe list, click the Unsubscribe Email button at the top right.
  5. A popup box will appear. Enter the guest’s email address and click Unsubscribe to permanently opt this guest out of further emails from GuestRevu


Note: If you are in an account group, you will need to select which property to unsubscribe the guest from.

Why might I need to unsubscribe a guest?

There are a number of reasons why you may want to opt a guest out of receiving GuestRevu emails, for example, the guest may have:

  • Asked you verbally not to send them any emails
  • Opted out of receiving communication through one of your other service providers
  • Provided the wrong email address
  • Cancelled their booking or just never arrived at your hotel

Note: To avoid irritating guests who visit the same establishment frequently, you can set a limit on how often GuestRevu surveys are sent to guests. Find out more here.

Top Tip

You shouldn’t unsubscribe guests simply because you think they might write a poor review. Not only is selectively soliciting reviews against Tripadvisor (and other OTAs) terms and conditions, it can even land you in legal trouble. Find out more about why you shouldn’t try to block bad reviews, and what to do instead. 

Can my guests unsubscribe themselves? 

Your guests also have the option to unsubscribe themselves via a link in their invitation email. Any guest who has opted out of communication in this way will also appear on the unsubscribe list mentioned above, along with guests you have manually unsubscribed.

Can I take a guest off the Unsubscribe list? 

It is possible to resubscribe a guest, but this should only be done in exceptional circumstances, for example when the guest was unsubscribed by accident or they have asked to be resubscribed. 

To resubscribe a guest, find that guest on the unsubscribe list, click the Actions button and then click Subscribe.

Warning: Resubscribing a guest who has opted out of receiving email communication from you is likely to violate data protection regulations.

Can I see from my Reviews tab which guests have unsubscribed? 

Guests who are unsubscribed will have a red triangle with an exclamation mark in it in the management response column when you view your reviews in List View. 

What is the difference between “Do not reply” and “Unsubscribe”? 

“Unsubscribed” means the guest has opted out of receiving any future emails from GuestRevu on your property's behalf.

 “Do not reply” means the guest indicated in the feedback survey that they do not want you to contact them regarding their feedback, but they have not unsubscribed and can still receive GuestRevu emails. 


The question where guests can ask not to be contacted is optional, should you wish to add it to or remove it from your survey, please contact the support team by logging a support ticket.

Note: You will not be able to write management responses via GuestRevu to guests who have selected to not be contacted or who have unsubscribed. 

What happens if a guest completes the questionnaire and then unsubscribes? 

  • The scores and comments for the questionnaire will be calculated and visible in your account
  • The guest will be added to the unsubscribe list, so you won’t be able to write a management response via GuestRevu to the guest 

Can I unsubscribe guests from my Account Group?

You can perform all of the same unsubscribe actions from an Account Group. 

  1. Login to your Group Account 
  2. In the left-hand menu Select Guests - Select Unsubscribe 

You will see all the list of unsubscribed guests, and which properties they have unsubscribed from. 

  1. To unsubscribe a guest click the Unsubscribe Email button at the top right
  2. In the popup, select the Account to Unsubscribe the guest from and put in the guest’s email 
  3. Click Unsubscribe 

Are opt-out synched between Guestrevu and other integrated software like myPMS or CRM?

This will depend on the integrations you have in place. Contact the support team for more information by logging a support ticket.

Do I need to do anything with the unsubscribe list? 

We recommend that you check the unsubscribe list on a regular basis to make sure guests are also unsubscribed from receiving other bulk emails from your property, such as marketing emails directly from your property.

Top Tip 

Give guests the chance to opt into marketing communication in your questionnaire. This can help you grow a strong database of guests who want to hear from you. Want customisable questionnaires? Upgrade now!