Editing your user details and notification settings

You can edit and update your personal details and customise your notifications, ensuring you get the right reports in your inbox.

It’s important to keep these details updated so that our support team has the correct information to contact you when necessary.

This article applies to:

  • LITE
  • CORE
  • PRO

Editing your User Details 

  1. Login to your GuestRevu account at https://my.guestrevuapp.com
  2. Click on the small arrow underneath your name in the top right-hand corner of your page, click on Profile.

  3. Your user profile will now be displayed. To make changes, click on Edit (to the right of your name).

  4. You can now add or update the relevant details. You can also navigate to the tabs at the top of the window to change your profile picture or password. 

  5. Once all your details are correct, click on Update to save your changes

Editing your user Notifications 

Automated reports and notifications are great to stay on top of what is going on in your account. To make sure you get all the information you need and none you don’t, you can choose from several notification options:


Note: If you are a LITE user, you will receive a daily summary and weekly report. To access the other notifications and the ability to download reports from GuestRevu whenever you need to, upgrade now.  

What does each of these options include?

A notification as soon as a new review or response is collected – you will get an email any time a survey is completed or an online review is pulled into your account 

     ...only if alert logic is triggered – you will only be notified of a survey response if an alert is triggered. By default, alerts are triggered if a guest gives you a score of 2 or lower to questions on the first page. To customise your triggers or find out more, log a support ticket with the support team.

A daily summary of all review activity – Once a day you will get an email with a summary of the reviews from the day before. You can customise this summary in the following ways:

… include all individual review summaries – This will show just the individual review scores 

… include all individual review – This will show the full reviews, comments and scores 

… include all my accounts in one email – If you have access to multiple accounts, you can select this option to get all the information for all accounts in one email. If left unchecked, you will receive a separate email for each account. This is also available as an option for the other email notification types.

A weekly report of reviews and responses collected – This report is sent on a Monday and will provide you with the previous week's reviews and responses. 

A monthly report of all review activity – This is sent on the 1st day of the month and will provide you with the previous month’s reviews and responses. 

Once you have made the selections you would like, click Update to save the changes.


Top Tip 

To really understand your guests' insights and scores, use the different filter options in your account to slice and dice your data. Click here to find out how to use Advanced Filters, and use your data to make the best operational decisions and exceed guests’ expectations!